Tuesday, July 28, 2015

August 2nd I will be traveling to La Selva Biological Station located in the Sarapiqui region of the Central Valley of Costa Rica. The Northrupp Grumann Foundation and Conservation International awarded a grant for myself and 3 other Erie Public Schools employees to study the rain forest in Costa Rica.

La Selva is part of TEAM Network (a partnership between CI, The Wildlife Conservation Society, Missouri Botanical Garden and The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), which collects standardized ecological data at 17 sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

During our time there we will be collecting data on terrestrial mammals and birds (camera traps), carbon (by collecting vegetation data), and climate.

Below are links to CI, La Selva Biological Station and Northrupp Grumann Foundation for more information:

ECO Classroom
CI (Conservation International)

Northrupp Grumman Foundation

Our team will be focusing on Carbon storage and forest plants.  We will be using the TEAM Carbon calculator to investigate carbon sequestration of different forests types and ages.  We will then bring theses techniques back to the classroom and complete similar studies in our temperate area of Erie, Pennsylvania.